Note: The font on this page is large already, so
vision impaired individuals can view it easily. The view has not been
modified. Many of the pages on this site contain a lot of data written in text that can often be too small for individuals with
difficulty seeing.
The only purpose for this page is to show you how to
change the magnification of any browser on the fly so you can comfortably
read small text.
It does not have to be this website but any website you are viewing with a browser can be adjusted this way.
The first and easiest way is to us your mouse
wheel. Simply hold down the "CTRL" key on your keyboard and use the
mouse wheel to magnify or shrink the size of the screen.

Using this method only changes the page you are
viewing. If you click on a link or change the page the resolution will
revert back to the default setting in your browser.
Changing the Default Setting On your Browser
To change the magnification setting in your
browser, you need to first enter the setting menu. In most browsers, this is
usually an ellipsis which is three dots. (...) They appear horizontal in
Edge and Vertical in Chrome. Some browsers will use 3 lines. In any case
they are all near the upper right hand part of your browser. Click on
them and a similar menu will open like this one:

Just choose the method you are most
comfortable with and enjoy not having to squint while reading on the web.