Desert Sky Computing

Why Windows?

My experience is on Windows based Operating Systems from Windows XP to Windows 11. I also provide support for Microsoft Office Products like Word, Excel, Outlook, Etc.and for most of the popular software programs and browsers used on Windows based systems. I do not offer In-Home support for Apple, Linus or Server systems.

While there are local alternatives for computer repair and service solutions, they are primarily performed by business individuals requiring an honest pay for services rendered as part of their income. I, on the other hand, am retired and am able to create a pricing solution that I believe will meet your needs.


Free Programs

Mail Servers

suggestion box

Let's face it, everything can be improved. If you have things that you would like to see or something you don't like, let me know. Send me an email at I will make every effort to make the site not only user friendly but meaningful to you.

How to Magnify the screen.

Welcome to Desert Sky Computing

I believe there is a need in the Mesquite area for a reasonable price structure for local residents. My goal is to provide the best professional computer services and support at affordable prices and in some cases free of charge. There is never a charge for consultation to Mesquite residents. See the suggested pricing policy here.

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I also believe that most computer problems, as much as 80% according to Microsoft, can be fixed by the home user. With that in mind, I have tried to develop this website with information that targets the average home user. Each of the most common issues are discussed in layman's terms with many illustrated with step by step instructions. Each possible solution also states the potential risks, if any, and how best to avoid them. But, fixing computers is not everything this site is about.

Just as important as learning how to use your computer is learning how to discover the wealth of information on the internet and the web. They hold an endless supply information on hobbies available to you. On every page you visit on this site I encourage you to explore the page by moving your mouse around to find all the links. Whenever your mouse cursor turns into a pointing finger pointing fingerclick to discover new content.


books and media multimedia email tips

Using both original training material and the wealth of information on the World Wide Web. I will be offering free information online for all my clients.

  • Many of us are already familiar with using E-mail, and many of us do so with on-line accounts like G-mail, Yahoo or Hotmail. Learn how to use your computer based email program. It is a better tool for stopping Spam", combining all your accounts on one page or creating custom folders for organizing and archiving your mail.
  • Are your photos scattered and duplicated all over your computer? There are several good photo organizers and some with basic photo editing options. Let's see what works well and what doesn't.
  • There are literally hundreds of thousands of books on-line for free. You can even access many of your favorite books from your local library.
  • View new videos on-line, Download and play music, Don't just listen to your favorite music, learn about the artists and actors in detail.

And don't stop there....explore-button

Using hobby sites, you can explore new places, go into the past with Google Earth. You can join groups of just about anything you can imagine. Quilting, Painting, Gun Collecting, Sell or buy on-line safely. .

I Am A Beginner

Don't be intimidated, your friends are already on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter or you might not know what a spreadsheet or blog is but you can get there. My goal is to offer step by step instructions to guide you in a safe and fun way. Things like:

  • Basic E-mail
  • Basic Office Programs
  • Navigating the web safely
  • Understanding Social-Media
  • Upgrading your computer or hardware
  • Installing new or removing old programs
  • Viewing videos or playing music
  • Backing up your important information

These are just some of the topics we will cover but I will try and make each topic as easy to understand as possible.

I Know The Basics

Ok, you have been around the block. The old saying, "I know enough to be dangerous" is about where I was at this point. Doing enough to get my computer to crash or exploring places on the web that wanted to infect me.

  • My goal at this point is to provide a roadmap that shows all the mines or pitfalls that I have already fell in while still making it fun to discover new opportunities on the computer and web.
  • Learn to clean the junk files on your computer or fix and optimize your registry. I will be offering non-biased reviews of many free programs and how to avoid clutter while trying to clean it.
  • Microsoft offers many non-advertised programs that make using the computer easier and safer. Exploring programs like Autoruns, Procmon, Powershell

Let's speed up your computer, protect it and learn new things.

I Want To Learn More

Want to learn how to create and maintain webpages, Write code? It's not as hard as you think. Trouble shoot your own computer and remove virus, malware, see if you have been compromised.

html5- chalkboard

I have compiled a list of excellent sites that advanced users should be using. I will be updating them and my own tips and tricks on a regular basis.